

Organizational Structure

The CpE program is overseen by the CpE faculty, which is comprised of a subset of the CISE and ECE faculties. The CpE Program Director is a member of the CpE faculty who has responsibility for overseeing curriculum-related issues in the CpE program, including serving as the chair of the CpE curriculum committee and working with the undergraduate advisor for the CpE program. The director is also responsible for accreditation of the CpE program. He/she is appointed by the Dean of the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering in consultation with the CISE and ECE Chairs.

CpE Curriculum Committee

Jeremiah Blanchard, Chair

Faculty members:

Christina Gardner-McCune, CISE
Peter Dobbins, CISE
Christoph Bobda, ECE
Herman Lam, ECE
Tuba Yavuz, ECE
Ye Xia, CISE

CpE Advisors:
Dedra Olivier
Lisa Hibbs
Student Representative:
Christopher Tressler, ACE (liaison to ACM and IEEE)