Pathway to Campus Enrollment (PaCE) - Computer Engineering

If you have been offered admission to UF’s Pathway to Campus Enrollment program (PaCE), welcome to the Gator Nation! This site will help you explore the Computer Engineering (CpE) major in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering (HWCOE). CpE Major in PaCE The CpE major available to PaCE students results…... Read More

Technical Electives

18 Credits Total At least 12 credits must be from the CISE and/or ECE department(s). A maximum of 6 credits may be taken outside of the CISE and ECE departments. Qualifying technical electives include, unless otherwise excluded: 4000-level or higher CpE program courses 4000-level or higher CISE courses 3000-level CAP…... Read More

Enrichment Electives (From Summer B 2024)

Overview Enrichment electives should represent a deliberate exploration of an area (or connected areas) outside of computer engineering for the purpose of becoming a more nimble, well-rounded, effective engineer. Such coursework is intended to maximize the competitiveness of our graduates by promoting critical thinking, understanding of unique perspectives, inquiry, and…... Read More

CpE Curriculum

The curriculum details which define the Computer Engineering degree requirements can be found here. Read More

Course Syllabi

Links to CpE program curricula, including those from the ECE and CISE departments, can be found on this page. Read More

CpE Academic Policies

Students must complete all Critical Tracking  courses (listed below) with a C or better within two attempts (W counts as an attempt) within 5 semesters while maintaining an overall 2.50 tracking GPA. More information is available on this page. Read More

CpE Internships and Co-Ops

The CpE program offers students an opportunity to integrate classroom instruction with practical work experience. Read More


Combined BS/MS degree programs are available for CpE students. The programs allow qualified students to start working towards a graduate degree before graduating with their BS degree. Read More


A comprehensive listing of useful forms for CpE students can be found on this page. Read More