Automation in the 21st Century/21世紀の自動化

Automation in the 21st Century/21世紀の自動化

Instructors: Hitomi Greenslet & John Schueller
Date: 2021/10/28 (Thu) 8:00 EDT​, 2021/10/28 (Thu) 21:00 JST​
​Time: 90 Minutes
In the late 18th century, mechanization using steam, coal, petroleum, and electricity led to the Industrial Revolution. Since then, mechanization has enabled mass production, and further advancements have included automation using computers, electronics, and robots. Today, Industry 4.0—including cyber-physical systems (CPSs), the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoTs), cloud computing, etc.—has led to the development of “smart” manufacturing systems. This series of industrial revolutions has enriched our lives but has also created new industrial security concerns.​​

Activity Time
Instructor Presentation ~40 min
Breakout Session (Groups)​ ~30 min
Student Presentation + Q&A ~20 min

インストラクター: Hitomi Greenslet & John Schueller
日にち: ​2021年10月28日 木 8:00 EDT​, 2021年10月28日 木 21:00 JST
​時間: 90分