Listed here are the topics covered in each core course in the CpE program. The topics may be helpful in student preparation for courses and equivalency requests. Note that typically, at least 90% of all content (and 100% of critical topics) as determined by faculty members is required to grant equivalency; there may be other expectations for some courses.
The topics in the lists below are current as of the most recent update, but they change regularly. Final determination is by the faculty of the program; these lists should not be considered definitive due to the fluid nature of coursework. Nevertheless, classes are expected to cover the topics listed herein.
CISE Courses
COP 3502C – Programming Fundamentals I (4)
COP 3503C – Programming Fundamentals II (4)
COT 3100 – Discrete Structures (3)
COP 3530 – Data Structures & Algorithms (3)
CDA 3101 – Computer Organization (3)
CEN 3031 – Software Engineering (3) [Formalization In Progress]
COP 4600 – Operating Systems (3)
ECE Courses
EEL 3701C – Digital Logic and Computer Systems (4) [TBD]
EEL 4712C – Digital Design (4) [TBD]
EEL 3111C – Circuits I (4) [TBD]
EEL 3135 – Introduction to Signals & Systems (4) [TBD]
EEL 4744C – Microprocessor Applications (4) [TBD]
CpE Courses
CEN 3907C – Computer Engineering Design 1 (3) [TBD]
CEN 4908C – Computer Engineering Design 2 (3) [TBD]